Players joined Tony Saunders celebrating his birthday at the Club during the afternoon game on Friday 10th February..
We are a members' club and the principal bridge club on our beautiful island. We run an open, stratified duplicate game on Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning, Thursday evening and Friday afternoon.
Players joined Tony Saunders celebrating his birthday at the Club during the afternoon game on Friday 10th February..
Congratulations to Jane Smith, our Club Player of the Year and to Heidi
Dyson, our Junior Player of the Year.
The Club Player competition was based on points earned during the 173 open
games held since 7 February 2022. Jane earned 88.02 masterpoints, well
ahead of Gertie Barker (80.71) and Margie Way (76.13).
The Junior award was limited to points earned at Tuesday evening games and
Junior/Novice Championships, and remained close right up to the last game
held just before Christmas. Heidi earned 6.11 masterpoints, just ahead of
Neil Gilbertson (5.84) and Ben Stone (5.64).
Well done to all players in both categories, whose support of the Club since
it resumed normal operations post-Covid is much appreciated.
Congratulations to Heidi Dyson for winnning the Junior Player of the Year with 6.11MP. It was a close contest, right to the end, with Neil Gilbertson in second place with 5.84MP and Ben Stone in third place with 5.64MP. Below lists the top 10 players:
Heidi Dyson 6.11
Neil Gilbertson. 5.84
Ben Stone. 5.64
Barbara Elkin. 5.62
James Fielding. 5.40
Amanda Ingham. 5.01
Desiree Woods. 4.55
Tracey Pitt. 4.37
Stuart Clare. 4.19
Sarah Bowers. 4.01
Congratulations to Charles Hall, seen here enjoying his success as the winner of the Ernie Owen Individual Championship 2022. 24 Members competed with Diana Downs and Claude Guay tying for second place. Prossecco and mince pies helped ensure a relaxed and enjoyable evening at the Club.