Congratulations to our 2018 winners - Ladies' Champions Magda Farag & Sheena Rayner and Men's Champions Fabian Hupe & David Sykes. An all day two session event saw a good turn out - 16 pairs in the Ladies and 9 in the Men's Pairs. Both winners led the field after the first round and - refuelled by soup and sandwiches - successfully kept up their positions through the afternoon. Runners up were Lynanne Bolton & Margie Way and Alan Douglas & Delmont Simmonds. Thanks to all who took part.
Game Schedule (click here) 541-0551
Welcome to the Bermuda Bridge Club Website
We are a members' club and the principal bridge club on our beautiful island. We run an open, stratified duplicate game on Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning, Thursday evening and Friday afternoon.
2018 Ladies and Mens Pairs
Bridge club members at Barbados tournament
16 club memebers plus 2 spouses headed to Barbados for the tournament 11-18th February.
A lot of bridge was played by all and Martha Ferguson and John Luebkemann won two prizes.
2017 Ernie Owen Individual
A great turn out for the Individual Championship, held annually in memory of the late Ernie Owen. 52 members competed, and congratulations to the winner, Dianna Kempe. Close behind her was Sue Adhemar, with David Pickering third and Sheena Rayner in fourth place. Seasonal colours were much in evidence, with red and green prosecco and mince pies adding to the festive feel of a thoroughly enjoyed evening at the Club.