Over 70% Games (please let us know if you get over 70% to be added to this list)
Malcolm Moseley & Mark Stevens - February 18th - 72.9%
Charles Hall & Marge Way - January 15th - 71.2%
Stephanie Kyme & Diana Diel - January 17th - 70.1%
Lynanne Bolton & Heather Woolf - December 11th - 70.3%
Rob & James Mulderig - October 27th -70%
Malcolm Moseley & Ben Stone - April 16th - 71.5%
Malcolm Moseley & Ben Stone - April 9th - 72.81%
Charles Hall & Erika Setzu - December 1st - 73.64%
Malcolm Moseley & Mark Stevens - November 7th - 76.25%
Jean Schilling & John Thorne - August 15th - 76.69%
Molly Taussig & Tony Saunders - July 19th - 77.50%
Judy King & Martha Gadget Goddess Ferguson - June 10th - 71.88%
Stephanie Kyme & Joe Wakefield - June 5th - 71.67%
Charles Hall & Joe Wakefield - April 21st - 77.73%
Louise Payne & Katyna Rabain - January 3rd - 70.75%
Marge Way & Martha Ferguson - October 31st - 70.83%
Marge Way & Tony Saunders - October 28th - 70%
Molly Taussig & Harry Kast - September 9th - 72.69%
Louise Payne & Katyna Rabain - August 23rd - 76.04%
Charles Hall & Diana Diel - June 10th - 70.31%
RIchard Keane and Nick Jones - November 23rd - 70.00%
Louise Payne & Katyna Rabain - October 19th - 70.08%
Louise Payne & Katyna Rabain - September 28th - 70.83%
Louise Payne & Katyna Rabain - August 31st - 80.15%
TIm Mardon & Richard Hall - June 22nd - 78.13%
Charles Hall & Ed Betteto - June 16th - 72.7%
Louise Rodger & Pat Siddle - February 19th - 70.4%
Malcolm Moseley and Mark Stevens - November 3rd - 70.56%
Malcolm Moseley and Mark Stevens - October 27th - 70.56%
Wendy and Richard Gray - July 10th - 72.08%
Charles Hall and John Rayner - June 25th - 70.83%
Wendy and Richard Gray - March 13th - 70.37%
Jane Gregory and Wenda Krupp - January 21st - 72.23%
Linda Pollett and Elizabeth McKee - October 31st - 71.73%
Katyna Rabain and Louise Payne - October 29th - 72.78%
Diana Diel and Linda Pollett - October 21st - 70.42% (3rd place out of 244 pairs in District 2 STaC)
Marion and Duncan Silver - August 13th - 70.17%
Sarah Lorimer-Turner and Noula Contibas - August 6th - 72.92%
Katyna Rabain and Louise Payne - July 2nd - 71.43%
Sarah Lorimer-Turner and Noula Contibas - February 5th - 72.92%
Katyna Rabain and Louise Payne - December 11th - 70.29%
Betsy Baillie and Magda Farag - October 18th - 70.83%
Katyna Rabain and Louise Payne - September 25th - 73.75%
Diana Downs and Jane Gregory - March 13th - 72%
Joanne Edwards and Wenda Krupp - February 7th - 70%
Claude Guay and Sharon Shanahan - October 31st - 75.73%
Tony Saunders and Jean Johnson - October 15th - 70.46%
Elizabeth McKee and Stephanie Kyme - August 14th - 73.00%
Margaret Kirk and Marion Ezedinma - 71%
Sharon Shanahan and Claude Guay - June 20th - 72.22%
Lisa Ferrari and Betsy Baillie - May 30th - 70.48%
Sharon Shanahan and Betsy Baillie - April 25th - 71.52%
Dorry Lusher & Michael Bickley - April 10th - 75.48%
Molly Taussig and Lyn O'Neil - March 31st - 71.88%
David Pickering & Charlie Griffiths - March 28th - 73.89%
Betsy Baillie and Delton Outerbridge - March 7th - 76.4%
Richard Keane and Delton Outerbridge - February 21st - 71.3%
Gertie Barker and Jane Smith - January 4th - 72.6%
Claude Guay and Sharon Shanahan - January 3rd - 70.0%
Marsha Fraser and James Fraser - January 3rd - 70.6%
George Correia and Lane Martin - November 11th 2016 - 74.1%
Molly Taussig and Diana Diel - September 26th 2016 - 70.1%
Peter and Sue Adhemar - September 6th 2016 - 72.78%
Jonathan Nappee and Paul Shrubb - March 24th 2016 - 75.0%
Richard Keane and David Pickering - March 8th 2016n>
Richard Keane and Jonathan Nappee - January 5th 2016 - 71.4%
Nick Jones and Jean Wolosiuk - November 17th, 2015 - 74.1%
Betty Ann Sudbury and David Pickering - November 17th, 2015 - 80.6%
Julia Beach and Russell Craft - October 12th, 2015 - 70.8%
Marion Ezedinma and Louise Payne - September 8th, 2015 - 70.0%
Richard Keane and Delton Outerbridge August 18th, 2015 - 72.78%
John Burville and Ruskin Cave July 9th, 2015 - 70.5%
Betty Ann Sudbury and David Pickering - June 30th, 2015 - 73.3%