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 Game Schedule (click here) 541-0551  

Social Bridge - Sunday 16th February 3-5pm
Happy Hour at the club - Friday 28th February 4pm onwards.. 
Non-Life Masters Championship - Saturday 1 March 2025 @ 09.30 (2 sessions)
Junior Pairs Championship - Tuesdays 11 and 18 March at 7 pm  (2 sessions) 
Bermuda Bridge Club AGM - Wednesday 12th March 6pm
Curry and Quiz Night Saturday 15th March 7pm dinner followed by quiz
ACBL Unit 198 AGM - Monday 28th April 4.30pm followed by Happy Hour
Congratulations to those with Over 70% Games
Unit 198 Masterpoint List - CLICK HERE to go to acbl.org
To become a member, click here

Welcome to the Bermuda Bridge Club Website

We are a members' club and the principal bridge club on our beautiful island.   We run an open, stratified duplicate game on Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning, Thursday evening and Friday afternoon.

On Saturday 1st May, David Ezekiel gave a very informative talk entitled "How to win at Bridge".  It was very well attended by a range of audience abilty with everyone able to come away with lots of good things to think about.  If you click here you can see the video of the talk.

Many thanks to David.

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