
Men's Pairs

Jim Leitch & Gordon Bussell tied with Roman Smolski & David Sykes

Ladies Pairs

Sheena Rayner & Magda Farag (retained title)

Mixed Pairs

Roman Smolski & Vera Petty

Open Teams

Roman Smolski, Vera Petty, Bill Tucker, Margie Way, David & Sally Sykes

Non-Life Masters Pairs

Paul Thompson and Devam Sukhija

Junior Pairs

Lorna Anderson & Margaret Kirk

Ernie Owen Individual

Gertie Barker

Open Pairs

John Burville & David Cordon

Junior Teams

Sandra Curtis, Stephen Trumper, Joyce & Ted Pearson

Junior Player of the Year

Lorna Anderson

Senior Player of the Year

Jane Smith

Most Improved Player (chosen by the MC)

Mike Tait

Most Amiable Partner (Colin Millington trophy) (voted for by the membership)

Rachael Gosling

Bermuda National Pairs (ACBL)

Tony Saunders & Charles Hall tied with Roman Smolski & Vera Petty